Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pokoknya sabar...

Teringat saya pada satu malam apabila saya pulang ke tanahair buat seketika (majlis graduan UiTM), sempat juga saya berceloteh dengan dua orang wanita professional di mana seorang bekerja sebagai 'biotechnologist' dan seorang lagi seorang 'Marketing Relations Officer'. Kedua-duanya amat berpengalaman bekerja dan saya telah mengambil inisiatif untuk mendapatkan tips temuduga untuk Accenture Malaysia keesokan harinya.

Tidak sempat bertanya khabar muncul pula topik hangat pada ketika itu berkenaan Perdana Menteri dan Tun Mahathir. Sudah saya jangkakan kedua-duanya lebih menyetujui Bapa Pemodenan Malaysia itu dengan alasan, 'Pak Lah slow', 'bajet berbillion tapi projek tak jalan' dan Hikayat Khairy.

Menyedari betapa ganjilnya jika saya membidas hujah-hujah mereka itu, setelah menerima nasihat-nasihat mereka yang amat berguna, saya cuma sepi tak terkata. Mungkin bukan tepat pada waktunya. Namun, beberapa bulan setelah perbualan 'panas' satu hala itu berlaku, melalui yahoo messenger, saya pun mengemukakan hujah-hujah saya pula.

Ia bermula dengan, "How is Malaysia?" saya bertanya, bukan berniat untuk memulakan perbahasan itu. "Macam biasa.. slow.. Pak Lah slow..."

Nampaknya beliau amat membenci seorang yang bagi saya, mempunyai hati yang baik. Lama kelamaan, mulalah tohmahan-tohmahan yg dilemparkan membuatkan saya terpaksa menyedarkan beliau tentang hakikat sedia ada.

"He started anti-corruption campaigns, but he actually allows them. Khairy has all the shares in most of the big companies in Malaysia," she said.

'On what grounds' beliau berani berkata begini? Adakah beliau mempunyai bukti? Adakah beliau bekerja dalam kementerian?


Tidak perlu saya bercakap banyak tentang perkara remeh ini. Namun saya cuma bertanyakan dia, sama ada dia mudah mempercayai blog tanpa usul periksa? 'Shallownya' ujar saya sinis. (dalam hati sahajalah) "I can write my own stories about ***i if you like. My own fantasy book. Stating how he had become a gigolo, for instance. Just because it would sound sensational, do you have to believe it?"

She kept quiet. Beaten. After soo much of bru ha ha about current politics, she kept quiet!

Then I made a statement. "It's not a surpise when there were quite a number of people supporting Mahathir. He is somewhat brave and controversial. Making bold statements about the Jews and Americans. Controversial, thought provoking but could be true statements. While Pak Lah is a leader more keen on world unity and racial integration, somehow (i dunno why) to the displeasant of some Malays. People love controversies you see. Look at Eminem, he quickly shot to fame because he provokes people and of course, using his music as the medium. Anyone fancy Doctor Alban? No coke. No heroin? Remember him? Nahh"

She replied, "true.. true.."

I added, "You are accusing Pak Lah for corruption as if it had never happened before, as if it was all ethical during your hero's time? Dont give me that. Even schoolboys can think better than that. Can differentiate which is good or bad apple."

Again, she couldn't say a word. Probably she just had a reality check.

"Maybe you might want to consider the noble efforts that are planned by Pak Lah. People were shocked when Pak Lah asked for development in the Agricultural industry, including you. Maybe it was an approach to cushion the nation's economy since the start of the oil price hike. And what about the gap between rich and poor? Will that approach by the premier helps narrowing the gap since the distribution of income is 'SO FAIR' all this while i.e the AP distributions. That was very 'noble' indeed." I said sarcastically.

Note that agricultural industry is concentrated in rural areas and the people living in these areas are considered people receiving very small income. I am glad to hear when a rubber tapper earns Rm1800 a month, as reported last year.

"Actually I prefer the Malays to stand united. Now that we have UMNO Mahathir and UMNO Pak Lah plak. Don't you think Malays are so divided now? So lets just don create another malay party... For me, Tun M is free to criticise. Everybody has the right to do that. Atleast in a polite manner. And the govt is changing day by day. Policies reviewed. etc. Is that not a sign for better? The end." I concluded.

"Fair enough," she said. That's it? No rebuttal? And she said goodnight.

Today I learned that the Govt may one day abolish Chinese schools. Another policy set to be changed under the ammended Education Act 1961. As discussed a few blogs ago, this is a huge boost to the national integration among all races. Of course this is a huge big step. Next could be Tamil Schools. Next could be Boarding schools. It cannot be done all at once. How would the people react if something drastic happens?

Another venomous attack on the PM that I heard was, "boleh je aku amik gambar dgn Paklah, taknak je sebab aku tahu tangan dia busuk,". The thing is that, who are we to judge people? Do we have the adequate information about the administration to accuse him as corrupt? We have never even step inside the Parlimen for the cabinet meetings for God sake! OKlah, even it is true, again, like it never happened before?

Come on, takkan setakat baca string/forwarded emails, personal blogs, Khairy Chronicles, Mr 10%, Harakah, dengar pembangkang cerita bikin sensasi, terus nak percaya. Of course lah BIAS.
Pokoknya sabar. Have faith with God. Takkan Pak Lah berani nak bermain dengan nama Tuhan? Insya Allah Malaysia akan terus maju dan bersatu.

Pokoknya sabar.

Oh man I just realised I am writing from bahasa baku to broken English. I must stop now. It's cold in London btw.


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