Monday, July 07, 2008

I sometimes hate my race Malay

This is never new. People who know me know that I am so critical towards my own race called Melayu or the Malays. I hate my own race sometimes I wish they disown me and let me be an elf or a hobbit for that matter.

However, I do not think that hate is the issue. It shows that I am actually concerned about my race and its sometimes negative culture. Let me share with you with the things I hate about some Malays and their culture which should never even exist in them as Malays and Muslims at the first place. I do have some of these attributes and I do not know how did it get in me.

1. Laziness. I guess it's because some of we Malays feel complacent for the so-called Hak Istimewa/Bumiputra rights that is in the Malaysian Constitution. I don't blame the system but I blame the attitude of these people (me included) not taking chances and making ourselves better by studying/working hard.

2. Busuk hati kepada bangsa sendiri. Some of us cannot see other people's happiness and those other people are actually from the same race. If a Malay person is wealthy, they started to envy them like hell until they had to seek black magic in order to make the wealthy guy poor again. Santau menyantau. Liwat-meliwat. Dengki-mendengki. Tak boleh tengok orang senang sikit. Lebih sikit. Why can't you be happy for your own race? Help your own race support them! Help the poor regardless of races as well. Hate Chauvinism!

3. Lupa diri. The classic example would be Mawi. He promised to marry Ina Naim (his long-time girlfriend) after Akademi Fantasia and use the money he won for their future. Right after that they broke up citing irreconcilable differences. I wouldn't make such promises when I am not sure of something. Anything! Another example would be if they become rich, they will turn to the dark side and marry another one without taking good care of the first one. A concept which is against their Islamic faith. They once talked about charity but when they have the fortune they completely forgotten about charity.

4. Kay Poh Chee. Or gossipping. Especially the Malay women. They cannot stop gossipping. They will talk as if they know everything about the story. Especially when comes to poligamious husbands/friends. They use the power of gossipping to 'win' friends. They even talk about their own husbands/boyfriends to gain symphaty although there was nothing serious happening. They will talk as if they got first hand information but they know f*ck all. And yes, they do not care about friendships. They will not come and talk to you about the wrongs that they think you are doing but they will go and tell others to gain popularity. And then they will pretend to be your best friends. As if their lives are so perfect. Get off my back will ya? I don't remember telling you anything about my personal life you don't have the right to talk about me! You do not know the pain that I endure so F off ya motherless swines! Stop gossipping simply because you have your own personal family problems to make it look OK to you!

5. Condemning Islamic values but they call themselves Muslims. I have to blame the West for this one partly. Some Malays think the West are so cool they even condemn their own religious beliefs. For example Sisters in Islam (SIS) led by Liberalised-Westernised-Secularised Malay Muslims. They are conducting a survey on poligamy. A research on poligamy. But there is nothing wrong about the concept of poligamy as stated in the Quraan! Hello??? Do you have any other alternatives for your randy husbands? Some of us are born to be horny rabbits it's simply in our blood. You wonder why there are so many female prostitutes and few gigolos? So you prefer your husband pays for sex services and risk getting transmitable diseases like AIDS? Or maybe you want us to jerk ourselves off when you are not able? Come on don't give me that shit that sex is not all that important. What is love without sex? You talk like a Muslim but you don't actually practice what you talk. You accept all those things in the Quraan but that and you claim yourself an ulama'/cleric already? On another matter those idiots SIS say secular nation is the way. Secular means a state where religion is excluded in life. As in religion is just a PERSONAL matter. How bloody can you take away Islam from your everyday lives? Man I simply hope they repent. Meanwhile, some even glorify the work of terrorists claiming it indicated how strong we Muslims are. We will be further oppressed by oil greedy US the way I see it! Next, it's already in our Malay culture to hate poligamy despite good examples were shown by some families. Plus, the fact is that our prophet practices poligamy are you calling him a womaniser now by calling some Malay men the same thing? Wish I was born in the Saudi where poligamy is not an issue because their culture has seen it as not a serious problem. As long as the husband is fair and doesn't neglect the first wife and children and have money to support, what in the blue hell is wrong with poligamy? Then recently there is even an uprising from a small Malay community that supports gay rights and insists it must be implemented in Malaysia. Homosexuality is not right even in SCIENCE!! You telling me it's right to love but it's not like you don't have a choice. Noone made you gay but yourself! God wants you to be happy. Oh please don't give me that bullshit Abu Nawas and Alexandre the Great were homos. Since when they were my prophets for that practice to be OK? I can still understand the West going for gay rights because of their way of thinking but you Muslims? Malays plak tuh? Don't we have beautiful women we Malays? And, The West are not entirely right about everything ya nincompoop!

6. Anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian Malays. They argue that it's in the Quraan. Well read again. Islam never ask us to hate other races. In the Quraan it is only being said that we should not be friend with the Jews and Christians who go against us and humanity. i.e. Paul Wolfowitz (Anwar Ibrahim, please take note) or George W. Bush. Not any Jews or Christians. For God sake my prophets were Jews! Nabi Isa (Jesus) and Nabi Musa (Moses) were Jews. And I have Jewish friends and they don't hate Islam. They are even against Zionists who occupy Palestines and they said in Torah (Taurat) the Jews should never have their own country but to send the messages of God throughout the world! Chelsea FC were not let in by some Malays in the country. Give me break! Now they only have Tal Ben Haim do you still want to make a fuss out of it?

7. Some Malay leaders and authorities. Who are corrupt people. Who love money over the people. They can eat my dirt! These Malay leaders even said its their culture to do it. It's OK to do it rather than giving the fortune to other races. How racist. Dah lah greedy. Racist plak tu! They claim they do it for Rakyat. They do it for the Malays. To help the poor. But they have hundreds of millions in their accounts. One even tried to bring the money out from the country en route to Australia!

8. The leader wannabes. They will do anything to be the leader. They will even tarnish other people's image. They will even fitnah. They will even eat their own race. They will even ask the help of those greedy foreign admins to be the leader. For example Malacca 1511. And Perjanjian Pangkor. And even the Bendahara Pahang cases. The Sultans then SOLD our country! They preferred to be puppets as long as they get all the money. You morons have you not learn from history? This current US government are only interested about invading for resources just like before. You wonder why they invaded Iraq for NOT HAVING weapon of mass destruction but not North Korea? Coz the latter has F*CK ALL while the former has lots of oil. You can check which companies were given millions of dollars worth of oil contracts in Iraq. Man I do hope Barrack Obama will really change the current US Government foreign policies.

9. In denial. They are corrupt but claim they are not. They want to be fair but practises cronysim and nepotism. They want a change but they are not ready for a change. Look at what chaos we have now in Malaysia? Then they complain. They fear of losing what they have now. They fail to think before they decide. They hate to think. They do not think! They are too lazy to think!

P/S: Note that this entry was made under anger and disgust. So mind my language. But I don't think I have said anything wrong according to the Malay/Muslim belief. And yes I am a Malay. I am a Muslim. And I am sick of seeing these things happening in my race.

F all of you for having these attributes!

And f**k Sisters in Islam (SIS) too!


Hanafedora said...

hahaha.....not bad..u really go for it

Madeku367 said...

dah lama tak blog dengan penuh perasaan, Peds oi! hehe

Anonymous said...

that was a rough tul jeg!

Anonymous said...

wow....rough one man...emo tul jeg!

Madeku367 said...

emo2 pon tapi the truth

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't quite agree with your opinion on polygamy. In Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did it with the intention of taking care of women whose husbands may have died in the war and had no one to support them. It should be no excuse for horny men to take on more than one wife if circumstances were not as such. Or even if the first wife was incapable of bearing him children would polygamy be acceptable. But yes, I do agree that should they decide to take on more wives, they would have to be fair and just to each and every one of them.

Madeku367 said...

No no.. That's sirrah nabawiyah. It's quite ridiculous if the men only able to marry more than one in war. So men should only go for war simply to marry more than one?

The guideline is clear in the Quraan. Men are allowed to marry 1,2,3 or 4. They don't have to wait for war than only they can marry more than one.

Most importantly, they have to be fair for all the wives. Fair would mean nafkah zahir and batin should be provided to all the wives. And the children should be taken care of too. And it should be of the first wife's consent. Or atleast the wife being informed. That's fair.

Horny or not, the guideline is clear. Please don't try to liberalise my religion. The concept is right. Never wrong. Only that the practice of some Muslims that made it look bad. For example, neglecting the first wife and children etc.


Anonymous said...

You forgot one thing....The now disgusting attitude of Malays of following and obsessing over everything ARAB. They think if it is ARAB, it is TRUE ISLAM. Shit, it disgusts me to see Malay parents encouraging their daughters to marry an Arab, just because he is an Arab and think, if you're an Arab, you are close to the religion. What kind of garbage is that??? Islam is not Arab, but a universal religion. It was first revealed to the Arabs, because before Islam, they were the most evil people on the earth and unfortunately TODAY, MANY ARABS ARE STILL IN JAHILLIYAH EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE MUSLIM, BUT ONLY MUSLIM BY NAME! My advice, stop following things Arab and stop encouraging your children to marry Arabs! Marry a Chinese-Muslim is better, they are more humble and religious.

Anonymous said...

I agree...btw being a chinese is great XD

Anonymous said...

bro ive got malaysian blood in me..
but i was born raised in london..

i lived in malaysia for 4 years..

now im back..i can't stand it there
all what you said..i can't agree more..

Anonymous said...

don't you think the malays in london like to talk big????

Madeku367 said...

what do u mean talk big.. btw, i have some intentions to come out a post called "i sometimes hate that race Chinese"

Anonymous said...

Singapore don't have Bumiputra but the Malays are just as lazy. So how?

Elbaliava said...

maybe that Ina made Mawi to promise even though he didnt want to..

Anonymous said...

Hail to your write-up 1000 times! You wrote well, it is impossible that you are a malay. Ha.

Anonymous said...

Malays can write well be it in English or in Malay or in any other language, depends on how much they are good at that particular language :P

Madeku367 said...

what is this anti-Malay commentary made by anonymous?

Anonymous said...

bro aku SETUJU la sesangat ape yang ko luahkan ni, patutnya di tampalkan kat dahi orang melayu sesatu termasuk kat dahi aku agar masuk kepala otak memasing supaya beringat... ayat ko memang tarrrbaik!! sama macam apa yang aku nak luah kan... double big tumb UP high

Roslee said...

hahaha the gossip bit so true. haha most 'malays' don't even know how they act sometimes. Glad to see someone pointing out flaws in their own race rather than accept it like most people do.

Anonymous said...

so agree with you , you can simply talk their race in public even if caught privately.tis religion ( islam) they can make their prayer in the TV or even a islamic ''show case'' why cant other religion do ? i beter nt talk so much , later caught by ISA ( ikut suka aku)

Madeku367 said...

see how ISA had left a bad impression on itself, when actually, ISA is good when dealing with terrorists.

Anonymous said...

i understand how you feel. i've been saying the same thing since i was small and malays hate me for saying that. well malays are wondering why i don't 'think' like malays it's becos i don't think i am one cos peranakan or the old chinese people (not the one brought by englishmen to tanah melayu) also in considered as malay in this country and 'melayu kampung' is so ignorant about this and what's written in the book of malaysian studies has the wrong fact and this is true. jeg if you received comments saying that they disagree then you just ignore them. cos of their attitude we are here. malays are very good at twisting the facts and blame for other reasons. they always have been good in 'cakap tak serupa bikin' and 'finger pointings' but never we see them solve things. please don't really hate chinese but altho' malaysian chinese is kindda sucky and these portion of people is growing. when you ask why (if you discuss with ppl with high iQ and eQ / never discuss with ignorant ppl) they'd say cos chinese-mlys have adapted in malay culture. yes i've seen this. these chinese-mlys said they dislike malay but they are doing it too as well. real chinese here hate politics but you see these people more and more these days. but we're talking about malays here. yes it's totally true, we won't be talking shit about malays if they're not among us. becos we care what they do to us. i'm not scared at malays who are denying this cos i can definitely say i can pin points towards them. it's very obvious and they can't hide it cos it's their true nature. how many percents are malays? how many percents non malays in this world? u count the quantities of non malays who hate malays and malay people who against this and if we were to have war i guess malays won't last for long. i'm not promoting war but malays love to resolve in violence. there's so many things to talk about but i guess it's for some other time

Anonymous said...

What you've just said about Malays may hold true for a small percent of the race. Other races have hundreds of flaws too (I can list hundreds of things I don't like about Chinese in Malaysia), but I won't because it would be perceived as generalization. Like what you did. The generalization other races in Malaysia like to make to downgrade the bumiputra in this country because they are full of jealousy and hatred and want to have control of this country just like they have control of Singapore. Singapore is too small for them and being able to invade Malaysia is their ambition. The way to do it, psychological warfare. Looks like you've been hit by it.

Anonymous said...

The Malays (the original people in Malaysia) have always tolerated the immigrants from China and accepted them in society. But instead, some of them who made crude remarks about Malays here, just don't know how to feel thankful that they can live peacefully here. Imagine if they have to go back to China? Will they survive living there after being pampered so much here?

Madeku367 said...

nah... this is not a generalization

Anonymous said...

Most Malays who condemn their own religion Islam are still calling themselves Muslims because they are not allowed to convert. If they do, they risk persecution and will lose ties with their families.

For someone like you who can identify the endless flaws of the Malay race I thought you would have been able to identify that the biggest hypocrites amongst Muslim Malays are the pious who preach to their community but commit sins quietly, much like Christian bishops sexually abusing the altar boys. Instead, you side with the pro-polygamist and condemn liberalisation and secularisation interpretation of the religion which I find very odd.

Madeku367 said...

what donkey are you talking about?

Polygamy is part of my religion. Part of Christianity as well. It's an option for people who can be responsible to the care of more than one women.

Better polygamy than adultery. Adultery could end up the child not being taken care of, worse, killed.

Also, adultery could lead up to men preying on women easily if adultery is accepted.

May I know convert to which religion? Why convert?

I am well aware there are hypocrites around the world when they act so pious but having sex with minors still, for example.

Please read my other articles and you will get to know me better.

And please be brave enough to reveal yourself, why hide under anonymousity? (if there's such a word)

Unknown said...

ur true all the way, but there are still a few things u missed out. Firstly, the education system. You see all the fishermen's kids who got 10,20As for their SPM rite? Sure, they're gonna get a well paying job, or a chair in politics, but that's the limit to their knowledge. I'm not saying this to all of them, but the majority. We learn history, but only to the extent of Malaysia, Japan n some other asian countries. For example, if u ask one of the SPM graduates who got an A for history, do they know anything bout WW2 in Europe? I've tried this in school, and even in d best class, all of them haven't even heard of Adolf Hitler, except maybe 1 or 2. They can only relate Nazism n it's ideology to the Swastika. about 90% of the kids in my school didn't even know how WW2 began, becoz our education system refuses to explain it. This just shows how oblivious we are to the world around us, and how close minded we are. U are also rite bout the malay women. They gossip like nobody's business. Mengumpat sini-sana, fitnah, mcm2 larh... One example of this is in my classroom. The girls make so much f**king noise, that it was usual to hear our teacher yelling at the top of her voice, to keep us quiet. Then, the nefarious females got tired of all dis yelling n wondered y the teacher was always yelling at dem, n not the guys. They eventually decided to complain to the discipline teacher. The teacher, Encik Mahadi, then said to them, "Have u ever stopped and wondered y u were the only ones who ever got scolded? have u ever stopped n thinked for a moment?"... It's natural for humans to complain n blame everyone n evrything for their own misfortunes, but never themselves. The malays on other hand, take this to a whole new level. Another thing is, let's face it, evryone in Malaysia knows who Mahathir Mohamad is, but has everyone forgotten his main goal in life, other than all his achievements? This, we also learn in our school history books, but it never stated what Mahathir originally fought for. He fought for a better Malaya, n a brighter hope for his beloved race, the Malays. Have u ever read the Malay Dilemma? I have, n what i found out is that it has almost, identical likeness to another great literary illustration. Mein Kampf, by Adolf Hitler, which i have also read. The only difference between the two is that Hitler focused on eliminating his rivals, whereas mahathir focused on improving the malays and their faults. Jeg, or whtever, u are a rare breed of human, one that can blame his own race n can see through ur own faults. My advice is, embrace Multiracial Equality. If only malays existed in Malaysia, imagine the percentage of mat rempits n corruption in our beloved country. The malays say, "Cina Babi!", but i say "what makes u different?". I might probably get bad respond comments by this, but i can tell you that all of them are ignorant, close minded retards who prbably doesn't even understand a word i'm saying... Peace be upon you, and may God have mercy on us all...

Anonymous said...

tapi kau perlu ingat betapa pemurahnya orang melayu memberi bangsa lain menumpang tanah ini. kalau aku hidup zaman belum merdeka sudah tentu aku halau kau orang semua.

Madeku367 said...


kau kena paham bahasa penjajah aku ni.

Sometimes, bukan 'all the time'.

Madeku367 said...


be a man and identify yourself. and in this article, I WASN'T generalising like you did.

Madeku367 said...

just a simple reminder. this article is NOT about Malays in general. It is about SOME Malays, if not MANY.

I do not generalise, and please abstain from making hate speech and comments.

Azrul Abu Hassan @ Jeg Hui

Anonymous said...

Jeg Hui said...

just a simple reminder. this article is NOT about Malays in general. It is about SOME Malays, if not MANY.

I do not generalise, and please abstain from making hate speech and comments.


But me (Wan) says :

Your honesty and courage to pound a few Malay has caused some human that have thick racial sentiment but conceal behind charge on other race had manipulated your rebuke good faith (Kononnya) with way insult all of Malays..

Take medicine (Makan ubat) and prepared to accept insult on your race itself...

Anonymous said...

Jeg Hui said...

just a simple reminder. this article is NOT about Malays in general. It is about SOME Malays, if not MANY.

I do not generalise, and please abstain from making hate speech and comments.


But me says :

Your honesty and courage to pound a few Malay has caused some human that have thick racial sentiment but conceal behind charge on other race had manipulated your rebuke good faith (Kononnya) with way insult all Malays..

Take medicine (Makan ubat) and prepared to accept insult on your race itself...

Lexiz said...

Hahaha, Agree with you, I am chinese and the Malays in my school SMOKE! And they said that all Christians will go to Hell, they even threathen me, when i disagree with their beliefs...Glad there was atleast ONE muslim who isnt always thinking the world revolves around them =)

Li Ann said...

I don't hate Malays.. (I'm Chinese by the way) I just hate it when they go 'rempit' all night when I'm trying to study... and politicise everything... It really annoys me. Most of my friends are Malay. Sometimes, even I don't like the Chinese people because their too racists to even realise that we're all the same.. Hak istemewa or not..

Madeku367 said...

just to provoke your thought, Mr/Ms Lee, what do you think of the non-Malays retaliating this so called discrimination by being selective in the private sector in terms of benefits and salaries, promotions and even hiring. ie Mandarin Speaking candidate required.

Anonymous said...

Its funny u have so much hatred for sis in islam and liberal. tell me why islam promotes killing of apostates?.what evil secret Islam holds that it needs to murder? Islam is an evil cult founded by a terrorist pedophile who has hatred towards Jews and Christians..u should know that better!....

Madeku367 said...

To the Malay bro,

I did not condem the whole Malay people. I am also a Malay. Must read the article with an open mind and you will get what I meant. It's more like a mini Malay Dilemma made within 20 mins.

But I do agree with you Malays need to be united. So are Malaysians, even all human beings must stay united. This is what Islam has taught us.

To the agent provocateur who is a racist earlier in this post, I also do not believe in capital punishment to the apostates. In Malaysia, they are doing the most Islamic way, calling apostates for a counselling and advice. So killing apostates for me is a modern fatwa, only implemented after the death of Muhammad S.A.W.

So do not blurt before intense research. And don't go over board with your comments, you will make yourself look like a fool. (with your pants on the ground).

I hope you are not one of those SIS people you will only make SIS look even worse.

Anonymous said...

"Chinese also have their bad reputation around the world. In the western world, most of the Americans n British HATE chinese...u can google it by yourself "why i hate chinese" n u can see tons of comments about them. They eat babies, dogs, cats n they are greedy!"--anonymous.
babies? cats? dogs? malaysian chinese? where on earth did you find all these crap? or did you invent them? dogs, mainland china yes, and i do not agree with that filthy trend either but babies? what the.. and, yes, i googled 'why i hate chinese', do you know what their reasons are?: 'chinese score better marks in english', 'they are the most superior race and the chinese are nothing to them' and 'The Chinese steal their precious jobs'. Number one, if they are superior, why are the chinese better in english than them? besides, we don't steal jobs, we work as hard or perhaps even more to get jobs. if you can't get jobs, don't blame us, buck up, improve yourself, do not blame others for working hard.

"When u go for lunch, u can see chinese will eat with their chinese friends...and when they talk, they prefer to talk in mandarin or cantonese though we as malaysian have our own national language = BAHASA MALAYSIA."--same anonymous
have you ever considered taking the first move to talk to them? or were you too scared that we would make you eat babies? stop complaining and instead put in some effort if you want to achieve something. plus, aren't you typing in english aka bahasa penjajah? does that make you unpatriotic? you love your culture, you strive to protect it and i respect that. a man without his/her culture is nothing. so why can't we protect our culture from atrophy? just because we speak in chinese doesn't mean we do not love this country.

"U can see for yourself, how many malays working under them n how many chinese working under malay?" -- still same anonymous

"what do you think of the non-Malays retaliating this so called discrimination by being selective in the private sector in terms of benefits and salaries, promotions and even hiring. ie Mandarin Speaking candidate required."--Jeg Hui

(1) Out of all the 5 major banks in Malaysia, only one bank is owned by multi-racial, the rest are controlled by Malays.

(2) 99% of PETRONAS (the only one petroleum company) directors are Malays, and the former Prime Minister work as Consultant in PETRONAS.

13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah (north of peninsular Malaysia) had to be sold to Malay and controlled by Bernas (Government Org.) since 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers.

(14) 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by Malays since 1970′se.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, etc. This company now is the sole company.

plus, china is now one of the world's biggest economic superpower, hence the emphasis on chinese.

anyway, you might have the view that the chinese are at the receiving end of the nation's wealth and prosperity, but most chinese believe the opposite.

I believe that regardless of race, malay, chinese or indian, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer because their very rice bowls are stolen by the rich.

Thus we must not stereotype a race as we are actually all in the hands of the rich puppet-masters. Do not fall for their bullshit racial card which they use to fill their own pockets. Unite as a nation, not unite as a race, my dear anonymous and Jeg Hui.
sincerely and humbly, Lee.

Madeku367 said...

Lee, I'm with you if you read my comments and this article properly. do not samakan me and that anonymous please.

melayu juga said...

aku tak malu dengan bangsa aku...biar la orang cina ke or orang melayu sendiri nak hentam melayu..aku tetap bangga darah melayu and jadi orang melayu...aku pun ada bad experience jugak dgn orang melayu..tapi aku still takkan kutuk bangsa aku sendiri sebab bagi aku...tetap ada yg baik dalam diri orang melayu...dan paling penting...Allah takkan jadikan aku melayu sebagai satu yg sia sia...mesti ada sebab aku jadi melayu...kenapa aku tak lahir cina ke..or bangali ke...walau ape pun keburukan bangsa melayu ...aku tetap akan bersama mereka walaupun suatu hari nanti bangsa melayu aku dipijak dan ditindas oleh kaum bukan melayu dan melayu yg tak suka ngaku melayu...

DanielTerran said...

I'm a mix chinese+malay, and I'm a muslim, however I followed my chinese side culture, I ate with chopstick and have chinese decoration around my room, I spoke in mandarin, hokkien, english and malay(and I'm fluent with them), I don't hate Chritian, Jews and Buddhist, I only hate Satanist.

As a mix, I received racist comment from both chinese and malay, but in my experience, when I was in primary, my chinese teacher would treat us equally regardless what race are we, But when I moved to secondary, I got a lot of malay teachers, and (not all) some of them prefers to punishes the chinese and Indians. But not caucasion, arabs or malays.

Like one time, there was a concert in our school, I didn't get chosen to go to the concert so I stay in class with 4 chinese and 1 malay. We were chatting about games. When suddenly, our homeclass malay teacher flung open the door, he said:'(pointing at the chinese students only including me)you, you, you dan you, takde keje nak buat kan? pegi ambik penyapu sapu kelas ini, jangan nak duduk borak-borak aje.'
After that we get to work, he ordered all the chinese pupils to do the work accept for the malay student. When we were doing our work he just simply sit down and lepak with the malay student...

샤미라 said...

i agree..
sometimes i hate when my frens ask me if I proud to be MALAY?

샤미라 said...

Sometimes i hate when my frens aseked i luv being malays..

Angel said...

Its not hatred for me. I just can't stand with them being super paranoid over things. Everything!! I couldn't care less but every time I watch/read/listen to stories, headlines, they make it like breaking-heart news and always come out with the worst on earth prediction, they are super annoying. By the way, just in case you have not been rectified, anonimity does exist. :}

Anonymous said...

I don't hate any races. It's not like I go out, see a Malay/Chinese/Indian/other ethnic, and say, I hate him/her. I just hate the ATTITUDE of people.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they are also disrespectful. I once encountered an event where I was just walking on the street (im a tourist there by the way) then some chinese-malaysian guy touched my private part!! I was so enraged by that!! I was shouting and asking for help but no one responds, even the police!!! Also, the sales lady will criticise your appearance just to make you buy their product..

Anonymous said...

I am from India new to malaysia and seriously these guys are way too lazy. I mean even for assignments they choose so obvious topics. Damn pissed off I miss my India. It wasnt worth coming here. + They all pretend to be sweet but they are not

Cina Baik said...

sgt bangga bila tgk orang Melayu kutuk bangsa sendiri..tahniah~

Madeku367 said...

Aku x generalise. Ini macam Malay dilemma lah. speaking the truth. and what can be improved. ko nak aku kutuk cina ke? boleh... haha

Unknown said...

Hey, you are totally right in some ways... like gossip, lupa diri, dengki.. of course, not everyone is like that..Regardless, i am half malay, muslim, but I strongly disagree, with your opinion on polygamy; Masa zaman nabi muhammad, it was relevant to marry different wives, as the world was in a different situation: with lots of war,and the politics were different(marriage was a way to attain status and could strengthen relationships and ties from one nation to another.) and high infant mortality and death rates.. in extreme conditions like that, in order to make more babies and such, i totally agree, but in times like these where the only reason is sbb ur horny?!!! and more wives mean more children, who are all supported by one LAZY man? not good in my opinion...btw, my mum got married as a second wife, I think it was pretty stupid, esp cause as a woman there is NOO way I would EVER share my husband with ANYONE. Maybe if women could have multiple husbands id be ok with least then wed be equal!!!course thats not gonna happen lol. Its really no wonder malaysia is ranked 3rd, as the country with most unfaithful men. so ya u forgot about that.. UNFAITHFUL, a common quality in malay men :) ..usually dont rant comment on stuff but i truly, HATE the idea polygamy. geli.eee.

Madeku367 said...


I respect your opinion but I dont think men marry more than one just because they are horny. If they are horny, they can have china dolls in apartment (hint2) or have mistresses. I am open minded over this thing because there are reasons, even reasons from the old days that can still be applicable to the modern days. and the Quran is not only for the old days. To avoid abuse by irresponsible men, in the Quran it is clearly stated they have to be fair to all and not leave one hanging with no love and care. And you being the daughter of the second wife, you should know better i think. Jazakallah.

Anonymous said...

Jeg you shouldn't feel disgrace as you realize these disgusting attributes you've wrote & hence should change & be different from these Malays you've mentioned.

I can see you are open minded & pretty knowledgeable & you should feel proud of that. Its not the matter of race as I believe there are also other races of people who possess these kind of bad attributes as well. (though to be frank I too feel GENERALLY Malays are like that, but not all)

Hence, doesn't matter whether its in your blood or not, you can still make the change! Therefore its important to mix with the right friends & be influenced by their good attributes.

A Malay too can choose to be the opposite of what you have wrote. Its the matter of CHOICE.

Anonymous said...

My opinion, I wouldn't want to hate on my own race, but some of the attitudes are just too annoying and downright negative to be neglected. Like the post above, it seriously bothers me to see how such small fraction of bad apples tarnish the perception (mine included) towards the Malays... But meh, once I get to know in person, I realised it wasn't much of a big deal.

What's worth to be hated, not just on Malays, are blindly following something without proper research and paranoia. I also disliked the propaganda of "Holier-than-Thou" attitude shown by some people with misleading information, overreacting, racism sentiment, hot air emotions, and the list goes on...

But meh, I would hate myself more if I hate on people without even knowing them. So, cheers~!


Anonymous said...

i agree... I thought all malay will never admit that malay race...

Zulhilmi said...

Honestly, I hate most of Malays because they're so arrogant with their Bumiputera status as well as their supremacism. Somehow it's really pathetic if you realize the fact that they're still behind Chinese in all aspects especially in Economy.

Their Malay politicians keep moaning about Wawasan 2020 (to turn Malaysia into a modern, developed country like Japan, US) yet most of Malays have very poor level of mentality. The fact is, majority of Malays still having mentality as in the people of the 3rd world countries.

To all Malays, if you really want to compete with other races or countries at the highest level, you people should change your mentality, attitude, have a fair election, stop racism, stop being closed-minded and the list is goes on.

Unknown said...

Why fu*k sister in Islam? Ape issue dia brother?

Unknown said...

Why did you mention Fu*k Sister in Islam? Ape issue dia brother?

Patron C.D.O. said...

I could not have said it better.

Patron C.D.O. said...

I could not have said it better

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Clap clap. We dont need him with us!!! Bodoh la kau ni jeg hui. Puihhhh!

Madeku367 said...

I see a lot of Malays are pissed off over this article. Like Mahathir, I'm glad. So wake up, Malays!

Madeku367 said...

Look whose talking. I dun even think u r a sabahan or sarawakian. Im good at guessing games.

Anonymous said...

menulis je takde tindakan sama je.. muka ko pun dah tak macam malay dah aku tgk

Anonymous said...

Eh, aren't you letting your emotions influence your writing a little too much? I know you said that you were angry, but this may get you into hot soup if your blog becomes popular (Remember Raja Petra). If you are angry at someone or a particular group of people, then write a letter telling them why you are angry and why you condemn them. Give your acid and vitriol to them ten times over. After that, seal it in an envelope, address it to them, and then BURN it. You'll feel much better after that.

Ahmad said...

DAMN, i have to agree with u. NO DOUBT!!!! i myself as a malay are also sometimes dissapointed with my race. it feels good to know that there is another malay that have dis sort of feeling..... EMBARASSMENT!!!

Anonymous said...






Nikki said...

Busuk hati kepada bangsa sendiri. i know i am 2 years behind but this is so true. Im dating an indian n we are glad both sides of family gave blessing. I've been keeping my distance from malays and all of a sudden an ex- primary school mate came into the pic and told few of strangers that she thinks we are just faking it. we look happy but actually we are not and my bf bought lots of stuff for me n we went for dinners in some expensive restaurant for special occasions.

so far, this one malay tudung girl thinks shes so smart and start to take matters into her own hands and try to break us up. we dont even know her!! and she and her other friend finally fell for my bf and agreed to share him. that is so sick!

he doesnt even know them and they only stalked him from far. too bad, they are messing around with wrong person. this two girls were caught and ended up in psychiatric hospital.

the reason they gave during the interrogation is that "oh he is a non-muslim and he treat his malay gf well and we never experience that with malay bf so why not me? i should be in taht position. i want him too"

Nikki said...


Anonymous said...

I am chinese but i blend well with my malay friend,they are nice and friendly and we share same hobby, but what i had observed from them are they are sometimes very lazy to work with something and easily lost hope on something, for example when doing exercises on addmath, not all of them but only certain,, they can give up easily and stop studying the subjects they dont like,

Anonymous said...

I'm malay with chinese blood but I more proud to be chinese than malay. Hahaha...

Unknown said...

Fancinating write up. Read this and you will understand your identity crisis.

Anonymous said...

That's right man... the only condition is fairness in nafaqah ... if you can be fair you can marry up to 4 ... no matter what is the reason and being extra horney is a good reaeon better than going for zina

Anonymous said...

And what makes you think they are pampered here? I am not Chinese but from my point of view, these 'pampered' people deserve their so-called 'pampered' lifestyle thanks to their hard work.
And enough about Malays accepting other races, do u see other countries in the West going on talking about accepting other races into their lands? The only reasons Chinese and Indians were brought into the country was because Malays weren't able to do labour work accordingly.
It's people like u that I loathe. Why should we be grateful for living peacefully when we have to pay more ie tax? Malaysia has done nothing great for non-malays then make us feel second to everything.

Anonymous said...

Kamlan la lu

Anonymous said...

Yeah me too. Sometimes I hate being a part of Malay. Especially those teen girls are really damn gedik gedik. Feel like want kill them. I don't understand why they really crazy of shoutouts in social media. Don't they ever think it is dangerous to expose their identity and giving their social id to strangers. Then they just wanna be the hottest in market. Im very shy and feel disappointment of how they r. I do hv some koreans and jap fds.but I see that their fds r usually not many in social media. I make an observation their fds maximum r only around 30. But look on Malays very social till they chase for followers on social media up to thousands. I think this is silly work and also waste of time. Come on la Malays be advance. Those things just duniawi and lalai only. We shld chase for the future and making Malaysia's name on the stage of world. I'm very upset watching these nowadays generation.

Bogus 1 Malaysia said...

You should be thankful that we are still here despite all the atrocities you malays create.. And sorry la bro withous us, this country is dead.. Imagine a country with 100% malays.. Hancur.. You lazy fellas can never succeed without other races. Thats why even in non bumiputera business or companies, you people need free shares.. Fuck u all.. Work and eat la wei, dont expect everything for free, mengemis namanya

Bogus 1 Malaysia said...

Anyhow you Malays are born lazy and need everything for free.. Get a life la.. Its not about Islam or Hindu or any other religions..its about this particular race MALAY. Think for yourselves..
Non bumiputera even if score straight A's can't get a good course or uni.. But you Malays dapat 2A 3A boleh masuk U? What nonsense is this.. Only in Malaysia.. Stupid people get good course and U, brilliant students get ignored.
Second, why shoud we give you Malays a percentage of shares in our companies for free? Mengemis namanya kawan.Its because you people are incompetent. Government job yang senang pun because of you people becomes very lembab the servise. Whole world knows that.
Cant speak proper english but can be ministers and Uni students.. Haha.. Hilarious.
Bei rumah got special price, beli kereta special price. Why? Because bumiputera and all the hak istimewa shits.. Listen, true bumiputeras are the orang asli, you fellas came from indonesia.. Drug addicts, you people are the highest, child rape and abuse, you orang jugak, rape, snatch theft, rempit, curi moto, a race full of flaws.. Admit the flaws, and change, if not you are no different then the beggars, atleast they put in some effort to beg, you people are worse.

Madeku367 said...

The coward who posted as Bogus 1 Malaysia proved that there are indeed non-bumis who are racist lot.


Unknown said...

Bro Jeg, your writing touches me a lot. Seems like we share a common thinking, and yes, I am in the very same position as you. I've been friend to a lot of people, other race included. And I'm not viewing them like "kau melayu, kau cina, kau india, kau benggali etc". I view them as humans. No special treatment to certain race. But mostly I've been close to my chinese friends, as I share a lot of common interest with them. From, I've learnt a lot of things from them. How they manage to succeed jn life. How they manage to run their business. Their answer is simple. Hard work. But some of malays here view me as some kind of treacherous breed. "Pahal kau lepak ngan geng2 cina? Tak boleh buat geng kau ni. Pi lah ikut geng cina kau mabuk2 minum arak". I don't know where they learn to generalise chinese people like that. So far, in my circle of chinese friends, not even one of them consumes alcohol. Hell, most of them are even vegetarian. Where did these stigmas came from? To this day, I've been shunned by malay, except for some close friend. What I'm trying to say here is, unity is quite hard to achieve, when people still blended only with their closed racial group. Make friends with other race. Be close with them. Be open to them. Understand them. You'll get a whole new experience.