Saya ada juga dengar cerita-cerita AGM UKEC hujung minggu lalu. Ain ada mengajak saya melihat karenah manusia dalam manifesto-manifesto mereka. Namun, ajakan Pojok Musik dan bolasepak lebih kuat dan lebih penting buat masa ini.
Namun, adalah tidak keterlaluan jika saya memberi sedikit komen tentang organisasi yang ada di serata United Kingdom ini. Bukanlah hendak mengadu domba di sini dengan tohmahan tetapi sekadar sekelumit pandangan daripada saya, jiwa yang kerdil ini.
Masalah pertama yang saya ingin ajukan ialah, apakah tujuan sebenarnya sesuatu organisasi seumpama itu ditubuhkan? Sungguhlah ia untuk membantu para pelajar yang jauh di perantauan ini mendapat informasi dan menurut serta aktiviti-aktiviti yang disediakan. Berbuka puasa di Holiday Villa, umpamanya.
Pernah juga saya dibisikkan kisah-kisah kelab yang berunsur politik sebelum dan semasa saya berada di London ini. Ada juga yang telah disenarai-hitam. Dan ada juga yang masih begitu giat menyampaikan agenda dan seruan masing-masing. Namun saya tertanya-tanya, bukankah pihak kerajaan yang bersusah-payah mengfasilitasi bakal-bakal graduan United Kingdom ini untuk menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya kepada pelajaran? Seingat saya, kami juga pernah ditegaskan berkali-kali sebelum terbang ke negara orang agar jangan terikut-ikut dengan kelab-kelab politik ini?
Persoalannya sekarang, bukankah Kelab UMNO itu juga kelab politik? Sungguh berbeza dengan UKEC yang bertujuan membantu pelajar-pelajar di sini, dan diketuai oleh pelajar-pelajar sendiri supaya dapatlah mereka menguji kepimpinan masing-masing. Dahulu kita ada Hizbi, saya sendiri tidak begitu yakin dengan cara mereka yang agak ekstrem, bukanlah mereka berperang mengebom orang awam yang kononnya fiisabilillah, tapi begitu ekstrem di mana mereka memboikot majlis-majlis ilmu dan sambutan yang menyatu-padukan orang-orang Malaysia di bumi orang putih ini. Mereka juga menyalurkan ide-ide yang sebenarnya bertentangan dengan ajaran agama Islam dengan memulaukan orang-orang BN atau UMNO khususnya. Bukankah Islam mengajar kita hidup bermuafakat dan bukanlah berseteru dan berpuak-puak? Alhamdulillah, setahu saya kelab itu telah pun di-'ban'.
Persoalannya sekarang, Kelab UMNO itu juga kelab politik! Saya diingatkan oleh penceramah-penceramah BTN Ulu Sepri agar tidak mengikuti kelab-kelab politik tetapi lebih menumpukan kepada pelajaran. Ini sangat bertentangan antara keduanya. Bezanya sekali lagi Kelab UMNO dan UKEC adalah di mana UKEC itu merupakan organisasi yang neutral dan ini amat diterima baik oleh saya.
Bukankah kita sekarang sedar agak kroniknya hubungan sesama orang Malaysia lebih-lebih lagi apabila timbulnya persoalan politik. Masing-masing mempertahankan ideologi politik masing-masing. Ada juga yang sampai tidak bertegur sapa. Dan jika ada pun Kelab UMNO mengadakan aktiviti riadah bagi memupuk semangat kekitaan, pertandingan bolasepak contohnya, mungkin ada yang sukar untuk menyertainya kerana "Kelab UMNO yang anjurkan... nak ajak kita sokong UMNO lah tu...". Ini sangat biasa di kalangan pelajar-pelajar yang sebenarnya bingung dengan keadaan ini. Mereka disarankan jangan berpolitik tapi kini seolah-olah mereka diajak bermain politik. Wujudlah pula kelab UMNO di serata U.K. ini. Untuk apa?
Sebenarnya, kerajaan boleh sahaja membantu dan mewujudkan kelab-kelab pelajar yang neutral. Ini mungkin juga menjadi senjata rahsia memenangi hati pelajar-pelajar. Jelasnya di sini, sambutan kurang menggalakkan bagi merebut jawatan kelab-kelab UMNO seraya U.K. Hal ini kerana, kumpulan sasaran bukanlah kesemua rakyat Malaysia di sini. Tapi cuma rakyat Malaysia yang menyokong UMNO. Perkara ini amat merugikan kerana saya yakin ada sahaja bakal-bakal pemimpin di luar sana yang tidak dicungkil semata-mata kerana kelab itu berunsur politik.
Jika kita lihat UKEC, sekeras-kerasnya mereka menyangkal idea politik disalurkan ke dalam organisasi mereka. Ini terbukti apabila berlakunya sedikit pertikaian di dalam AGM yang lepas sepertimana yang dilaporkan oleh seorang rakan saya. Mereka yang dari UKEC ini juga bebas berdebat dan menyalurkan pandangan tanpa rasa takut dan ini akan terus menerus membantu meningkatkan kredibiliti kelab itu sebagai organisasi yang boleh diterimapakai oleh kesemua rakyat Malaysia. Jika kita lihat, UKEC berjaya melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang bakal menggegarkan persada politik Malaysia meskipun ia sebenarnya tidak sekali pun menyalurkan ideologi-ideologi politik, kerajaan ataupun pembangkang. Mereka juga ada sistem undi dalam memilih pemimpin-pemimpin dan ini sedikit sebanyak memberi keterbukaan kepada pelajar untuk membuat pilihan sendiri. Tidak perlu pun satu calon itu mengajak rakan-rakan bolasepak mereka mengundi untuknya.
Saya pun sebenarnya kurang arif tentang bagaimana UKEC ini mendapat bantuan kewangan tetapi yakin juga saya katakan ia bukanlah dari mana-mana parti politik. Tahniah saya ucapkan kepada kelab ini dan harapan saya, objektifnya tidak akan bersimpang jauh di masa akan datang. Gah saya garapkan di sini, walaupun saya langsung tidak terlibat dengan persatuan ini, saya lebih gembira mengikuti aktiviti-aktiviti yang mereka jalankan dengan senang hati.
Sebagai makluman, saya bukanlah anti-kerajaan. Malah jika diamati pandangan saya ini, ada juga kebenarannya dan saya cadangkan kelab UMNO dibubar serata UK ini.
"No politics for the students! Let us enjoy our lives and study peacefully!"
-Ruud van Nisjerooy, simply can't forgive himself for missing a lot of chances today.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Football and PADI
It was a Saturday morning and I rushed towards Barbican to have a kickaball. The weather has been OK in the morning recently as I noticed a glare of sunshine on the way to the Finsbury Leisure Center. Me and Nik were quite early but we couldn't for any latecomers/traitors.
I think it went better than last Wednesday when we actually got to play footie properly. Had a couple of goals but that woudn't matter as fitness is more important at the moment. I think the place is perfect because if we happened to be late for the street soccer fields, there would be replacements such as the basketball court and a park nearby.
Later in the evening, me and Smq went to get something to eat for dinner before the Pojok Musik. With Dug coming all the way from Bristol, we had such nice grubs at Nusa Dua. It was one of the best Singapore Laksa if you ask me. The best part was, it was Smq's treat as he revealed after the gig. Thanks man!
As for the Pojok Musik, we were expecting one Malaysian band (Spoonmen), one local band (Debt Offensive? - such forgettable name) and Padi all the way from Indonesia.
I bet my sister Nadia would be jealous because first of, I was never a Padi fan (except for the Menanti Sebuah Jawaban song I first heard in UiTM). Secondly, Padi performing for the first time in London, with their new song as well.
The gig was started off with Iedil and the gang with the band Spoonmen. I honestly do not know the rest of the team but they went off with a good start with the Weezer Song Buddy Holly. But one thing's for sure, the drummer Jason was one of the best amateur drummer I have ever seen. The 'talisman' failed to impress the crowd although he sorta pushed it too hard with the swearings. Malaysia-bound Iedil as usual, woo the headbangers with his easygoing and having fun attitude.
Next we had this Debt Offensive local band. They did their part and I think the music was cool. However, they had a dodgy vocalist. Could do better.
Finally the moment we had been waiting for (I think we waited quite long as we wished Debt Offensive had a dead guitar or something)...... PADI!
I must say I thought Padi would look like the Dewa guys, young, long hair and all. But I tell you, like Smq insisted, the vocal guy looked like an Ustaz! Although I only know one song which was the Menanti Sebuah Jawaban, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest. I don't jump around that much you see but I did for that very night.
Some dodgy/funny experiences were encountered as well... first was this cute tudung girl jumping like a smurf on the front row. I couldn't hold my tears laughing when I recalled it the first time. Such a sport. Next, was when somebody poked me repeatedly unnoticed and I straight away thought who the fart was that? This is not facebook so that you can poke around goddammit!
On my right were the boys from Indonesia and yeah it came from their side. Behind was the Minister from Indonesia with his wife. But I tell you I wouldn't dare to look back each time I was poked. First, it could be some gay Indonesian guy. I know there were girls as well but unless they had plastic-man-arms I would have considered them as well. Worse, it could be from the minister's wife! Haha! And the worst case scenario would be if it was from an Indonesian Toyol/Anak Kerak import mari (Indonesian goblin).
Oh no! That would scare me to death!
From jumping up and down like a monkey to cold sweat trickling down my ass. I later shrugged off that moment keeping myself busy asking Dug to take pictures of us.
However, we didn't get any shots with Padi which was very, very disappointing. Nevermind the Spoonmen or Death Offensive or rich, overmake-up fake-up girls or even Ziana Zain lookalike or that beautiful GF of our friend. Atleast we gotta have one pic as a proof we were in front row with Padi right? And yeah it was worth it because.. come one, they were Padi!
Damn. Gotta get myself a new camera....
Anyway, I hope last night was a perfect sending off for Iedil.
If you are reading this, all the best bro!
Later we headed home feeling very happy and we had our supper back in Everwood Court. I dunno if there were anyone smoking weed at the gig because I was feeling a bit drowsy but gleefully happy at the same time. I had to call it a day and dozed off quite early.
Padi! Padi! Padi!
Lagi! Lagi! Lagi!
I think it went better than last Wednesday when we actually got to play footie properly. Had a couple of goals but that woudn't matter as fitness is more important at the moment. I think the place is perfect because if we happened to be late for the street soccer fields, there would be replacements such as the basketball court and a park nearby.
Later in the evening, me and Smq went to get something to eat for dinner before the Pojok Musik. With Dug coming all the way from Bristol, we had such nice grubs at Nusa Dua. It was one of the best Singapore Laksa if you ask me. The best part was, it was Smq's treat as he revealed after the gig. Thanks man!
As for the Pojok Musik, we were expecting one Malaysian band (Spoonmen), one local band (Debt Offensive? - such forgettable name) and Padi all the way from Indonesia.
I bet my sister Nadia would be jealous because first of, I was never a Padi fan (except for the Menanti Sebuah Jawaban song I first heard in UiTM). Secondly, Padi performing for the first time in London, with their new song as well.
The gig was started off with Iedil and the gang with the band Spoonmen. I honestly do not know the rest of the team but they went off with a good start with the Weezer Song Buddy Holly. But one thing's for sure, the drummer Jason was one of the best amateur drummer I have ever seen. The 'talisman' failed to impress the crowd although he sorta pushed it too hard with the swearings. Malaysia-bound Iedil as usual, woo the headbangers with his easygoing and having fun attitude.
Next we had this Debt Offensive local band. They did their part and I think the music was cool. However, they had a dodgy vocalist. Could do better.
Finally the moment we had been waiting for (I think we waited quite long as we wished Debt Offensive had a dead guitar or something)...... PADI!
I must say I thought Padi would look like the Dewa guys, young, long hair and all. But I tell you, like Smq insisted, the vocal guy looked like an Ustaz! Although I only know one song which was the Menanti Sebuah Jawaban, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest. I don't jump around that much you see but I did for that very night.
Some dodgy/funny experiences were encountered as well... first was this cute tudung girl jumping like a smurf on the front row. I couldn't hold my tears laughing when I recalled it the first time. Such a sport. Next, was when somebody poked me repeatedly unnoticed and I straight away thought who the fart was that? This is not facebook so that you can poke around goddammit!
On my right were the boys from Indonesia and yeah it came from their side. Behind was the Minister from Indonesia with his wife. But I tell you I wouldn't dare to look back each time I was poked. First, it could be some gay Indonesian guy. I know there were girls as well but unless they had plastic-man-arms I would have considered them as well. Worse, it could be from the minister's wife! Haha! And the worst case scenario would be if it was from an Indonesian Toyol/Anak Kerak import mari (Indonesian goblin).
Oh no! That would scare me to death!
From jumping up and down like a monkey to cold sweat trickling down my ass. I later shrugged off that moment keeping myself busy asking Dug to take pictures of us.
However, we didn't get any shots with Padi which was very, very disappointing. Nevermind the Spoonmen or Death Offensive or rich, overmake-up fake-up girls or even Ziana Zain lookalike or that beautiful GF of our friend. Atleast we gotta have one pic as a proof we were in front row with Padi right? And yeah it was worth it because.. come one, they were Padi!
Damn. Gotta get myself a new camera....
Anyway, I hope last night was a perfect sending off for Iedil.
If you are reading this, all the best bro!
Later we headed home feeling very happy and we had our supper back in Everwood Court. I dunno if there were anyone smoking weed at the gig because I was feeling a bit drowsy but gleefully happy at the same time. I had to call it a day and dozed off quite early.
Padi! Padi! Padi!
Lagi! Lagi! Lagi!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Raya in London 2007 (Day 1)

It was a better raya this year although it came as a shock since we all thought it was going to be on Saturday. But we had an unexpected guest when Acik came down from Newcastle to join for Eid-Fitr in London.
That very Friday morning, we all went for the raya prayers in MSD and Acik was confused with Smq's Takbir on MP3 thinking it was from a mosque nearby. As usual, the missing-Malaysia feeling started to pinch my heart as more and more Raya songs were played.
It was a short and sweet khutbah after we had a 30-minute takbir together and when it all finished, people took their already basi nasik lemak for breakfast before posing for the cameras. I had a few shots of myself while thinking how old I already am since I was the most senior in the KMYS get together photoshoots. Smq already left for work and Ihab could already be on his way to class. Then we had the UiTM people, the Cass Business School people, KYS people, old flames, new flames, Ramadhan crushes and others set to be immortalised on Arwin's now-wrecked digital camera.
It's one of those days, my friend.
And then we (Acik and me) needed a place to crash before the Jumaat prayers and so we went to Arwin-Atiqah-Soraya-Afif's place in Shadwell bringing along the rotten sambal nasi lemaks which were deemed as 'Harta Rampasan Perang'. Being a greedy small guy with a big belly I thought of eating two sets of nasi lemak before the girls Didi and Atiqah discovered how the sambal not being 'eatable'!

We chatted and had some Cadbury 'kuih-raya-wannabe' candies before leaving for the Bangladeshi mosque under the DLR where to my surprise, there were 'millions' of them. We met two Malaysians the moment they opened their mouth and they were actually working in Canary Wharf.
Such inspirations.
Next, would be our adventurous journey to the Hicom's open house in Hampstead. I had never used this route before and thought I gambled a bit. It was simply because of the long journey I had stopping at Finchley Road, took a bus and yet had a tiring walk to that castle last year. We had our second thoughts when we met a dead end where actually it wasn't. It was pretty quick though from the Hampstead Station via the Northern Line to that grand mansion.
At the Hicom's, we met some familiar faces and also the faces of people who went to approach you only when they are in some actuarial-academia-related difficulties. It's quite weird when they weren't even waving at us but only boasting their dodgy green handbags. Soraya remembered one of them as an old friend back at school but she was ignored as well. However, the spirit of raya sort of shadowed that incident and we had a wonderful time munching on the kuih rayas. Ces sont rares!
Of all the incidents, the part where an old 'pimp' trying to woo all the pretty girls stood out the most! This guy, codenamed Jeffrey had the courage to persuade one of the girls (won't tell her name) and asked for her number. You got lucky your old wrinkly *(censored but plural)* didn't get smashed by her absent boyfriend! It was so funny because I thought that Jeffrey (not that Special Branch guy) was her supervisor or sponsor official. We couldn't hold our laughter when she revealed Jeffrey was asking for her number and all. We even noticed he tried many other girls on the first day of raya! Obviously, Jeffrey is back on his fitrah after a long-month Ramadhan -- Pimping! haha!
So watch out girls for this sick man. Don't tell me I didnt warn ya.
I met some friends of mine too. The KYS juniors. The Arsenal lady-supporter. Siti who came back for her graduation with her family. PNB Scholars super juniors. Touch rugby people and others. I guess this is what Raya is all about. Meeting people. Meeting new people too. It's up to you to decide to take it as a bad thing or a good thing. For me, it's a good thing. Unless when they were acting like they didn't notice as if they were Paris Hiltons or something. Haha!
But anyway, it was a great raya though when finally we decided to leave Datuk J (Datuk K wannabe Jeffrey) all by himself struggling for a 'Siti Nurhaliza', consistently wiping his dodgy moustache with his saliva and we strolled back through the bushes for home. Like elves, we were!
The next day would be another cracker. Shadwell's Open House and Sushi as Lemang raya.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Ramadhan Recap
I've been quite emotional recently since Ramadhan is leaving us all with only 2 days to go.
It's been quite a different Ramadhan in London compared to last year and I wonder why.
Is it because I sorely miss the bazaar Ramadhan in Malaysia?
Is it because of the great free food in MSD?
Is it because I put on more terawihs then before?
Is it because the time I spent with Nik Harris breaking fast, checking out the chics, then Maghrib, then Live Football in the bar and then terawih on everyday schedule?
Is it because of the arrivals of some good friends to pursue their masters in Cass?
Is it because I finally come to the point that I am prepared to leave PNB? (Don't worry I dont play the blame game)
Is it because of the new friends I met in MSD?
Is it because I feel like I have more life now than last year?
Is it because of the exemptions obtained?
Is it because of the pulut kuning they serve everytime when there's a special occassion in MSD?
Is it because of the queueing up to the free food, haven't got enough space to squeeze in towards the end of ramadhan in MSD?
Is it because I made it too obvious when I left the table to join Apeq and Didi instead of sitting with a student leader wannabe who persistently reminds Nik Harris that they are cousins?
Is it because of the Holiday Villa iftar incident conducted by UMNO London, sponsored by Shell? (Private message me to know the details as I won't make this public because one of the UMNO members had since apologised and admitted her mistakes)
Is it because the Mosque in Willesden Green doesn't offer free heavy grubs anymore to support for the expansion and renovation costs?
Is it because we found another mosque in Cricklewood that offers very nice beriyani?
Is it because we get to live at a very beautiful and modern flat at a bargain price?
Well, I guess all of the above sorta contributed proportionately.
But I believe it's all down to God's mercy and kindness.
Selamat Hari Raya Eidil-fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
It's been quite a different Ramadhan in London compared to last year and I wonder why.
Is it because I sorely miss the bazaar Ramadhan in Malaysia?
Is it because of the great free food in MSD?
Is it because I put on more terawihs then before?
Is it because the time I spent with Nik Harris breaking fast, checking out the chics, then Maghrib, then Live Football in the bar and then terawih on everyday schedule?
Is it because of the arrivals of some good friends to pursue their masters in Cass?
Is it because I finally come to the point that I am prepared to leave PNB? (Don't worry I dont play the blame game)
Is it because of the new friends I met in MSD?
Is it because I feel like I have more life now than last year?
Is it because of the exemptions obtained?
Is it because of the pulut kuning they serve everytime when there's a special occassion in MSD?
Is it because of the queueing up to the free food, haven't got enough space to squeeze in towards the end of ramadhan in MSD?
Is it because I made it too obvious when I left the table to join Apeq and Didi instead of sitting with a student leader wannabe who persistently reminds Nik Harris that they are cousins?
Is it because of the Holiday Villa iftar incident conducted by UMNO London, sponsored by Shell? (Private message me to know the details as I won't make this public because one of the UMNO members had since apologised and admitted her mistakes)
Is it because the Mosque in Willesden Green doesn't offer free heavy grubs anymore to support for the expansion and renovation costs?
Is it because we found another mosque in Cricklewood that offers very nice beriyani?
Is it because we get to live at a very beautiful and modern flat at a bargain price?
Well, I guess all of the above sorta contributed proportionately.
But I believe it's all down to God's mercy and kindness.
Selamat Hari Raya Eidil-fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
While waiting for Touch-Rugby in Hyde Park
.. I was at the MSD canteen when I saw 5 girls queueing up for food. One really caught my attention with her athletic body.. I didnt blink much at that moment until...
I found out she was a he! And I realised so were the rest of the gang when they started talking to each other.
I cooly waited at my favourite corner in the canteen but I couldn't hold any longer when one of them expressed his disgust over a blogger's comment about them being 'pondans'. I was so afraid I would burst into laughter so I made my move and quickly left the scene.
I guess I made it too obvious that one of them was staring at me like one kind (Manglish: pandang aku satu macam) haha!
I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings you see.
While on my way to the park, another question popped up. "Diorang ni tak puasa ke? I am damn sure they are Malays. Only one of them was Chinese."
So a friend suggested that they probably in their mens. (PMS). What??
Or maybe they have left Islam to justify their practice?
I pray that one day they will realise their mistakes and may Allah bless them with guidance and good health.
Happy Ramadhan.
I found out she was a he! And I realised so were the rest of the gang when they started talking to each other.
I cooly waited at my favourite corner in the canteen but I couldn't hold any longer when one of them expressed his disgust over a blogger's comment about them being 'pondans'. I was so afraid I would burst into laughter so I made my move and quickly left the scene.
I guess I made it too obvious that one of them was staring at me like one kind (Manglish: pandang aku satu macam) haha!
I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings you see.
While on my way to the park, another question popped up. "Diorang ni tak puasa ke? I am damn sure they are Malays. Only one of them was Chinese."
So a friend suggested that they probably in their mens. (PMS). What??
Or maybe they have left Islam to justify their practice?
I pray that one day they will realise their mistakes and may Allah bless them with guidance and good health.
Happy Ramadhan.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Jose Mourn-inho
I know I know this is quite outdated. But I'm still mourning the loss of Mourinho in the Premier League boo-boo-be-boo...
Well actually, I was taken aback a bit, atleast initially. It came as a shock to me when he left Stamford Bridge after a 1-1 draw with Rosenborg (ironically Shevchenko scored that one) because the next game he supposed to manage was againts Man Utd.
Since his demise from Chelsea things got from bad to worse. A draw with Fulham? At home? I wonder where are the Bridge 'faithfuls' they seem so quiet now boo-boo-bee-boo...
Glory hunters.
So what next for Mourinho?
Portuguese National Side? Tottenham Hotspur?
'Appearing in a bank advert in Malaysia'? (that's what he said in an interview with Skysports if ye ask me).
Well who cares? As long as he has his family behind him (I hope). With a 20million quid compensation that he banked in, the talk of unemployment is not an issue. Atleast not yet.
Jose has his wife by his side. Two children one is a boy who doesn't resemble his charismatic but arrogant father at all. But still they are all behind him (I hope). The Portuguese people are behind him. And I hope, the friends of his wife are behind him as well.
He is not a failure. Although that's not the case according to Roman Abramovich. The innocent faced Russian tycoon really deceived us all. But that's what most rich people do. Not a sweeping statement there, I said 'most rich people'. They don't know what to do with their money, they buy themselves a model wife.
But that doesn't matter to me. I do a bit care for the people who fail. People like Jose. As Jose failed Roman. It was a little setback there. Statistically speaking he didn't deliver this season. But I do hope, pretty please, that the friends of the wife are behind him as well.
He is known for his effective tactical approach although somewhat boring, un-attractive football. But in three years he won the EPL title back to back in his first two seasons. Then some small cups. But still he has proven that he is one of the best managers at Chelsea.
And I do hope that the friends of his wife are behind him as well.
Please, ladies, do not question his ability. Or whether he's gonna make money or not this year by not getting employed. Please do not talk rubbish behind his back and trying to influence the wife to leave him because he's been a failure. Come on, we all know his ability and how competent he is. It doesn't matter if he 'failed' Abramovich with one defeat against Villa and a draw with an unfancied Norwegian club. Simply, ladies, please, do not question his ability. He is a 1st class manager.
Ladies of Mrs Mourinho, please do not regard yourselves as the elite ones. Please do not convey your evil ideas around Mrs Mourinho that Jose is incompetent. Jose is struggling with the big guns. Jose can't cope with the real elite people. Jose had a relationship with an unknown girl in Beiri-Mar that was near to nothing compared to us elite girls. Jose this Jose that.
The question is ladies, what makes you think you are better than Jose?
Mrs Mourinho, obviously, they are not good friends. Obviously I do not know who they are but one thing I know they love to see your marriage falter. They thought that you would be better off with someone richer or 'elite' or will get multi-million 'bonus' packages or get 'promotions' to the Director's seat in 'two years'. Someone like Alex Fergie maybe? Or Avram Grant boo-boo-be-boo Mr Magoo.
A good friend will support you through and through. A good friend will always wnat you to be happy. Nothing malicious. No hidden agenda. It's not that your husband has committed infidelity or something. It's just a setback. I know Jose quite well. He's a nice guy. He might be arrogant sometimes but I know he was only fooling around. He is very honest and speaks his mind. He is indeed, a special one.
So Mrs Mourinho, ignore all those evil people trying to tear your family apart.
You know it takes more than that to tear you two apart, right?
Well actually, I was taken aback a bit, atleast initially. It came as a shock to me when he left Stamford Bridge after a 1-1 draw with Rosenborg (ironically Shevchenko scored that one) because the next game he supposed to manage was againts Man Utd.
Since his demise from Chelsea things got from bad to worse. A draw with Fulham? At home? I wonder where are the Bridge 'faithfuls' they seem so quiet now boo-boo-bee-boo...
Glory hunters.
So what next for Mourinho?
Portuguese National Side? Tottenham Hotspur?
'Appearing in a bank advert in Malaysia'? (that's what he said in an interview with Skysports if ye ask me).
Well who cares? As long as he has his family behind him (I hope). With a 20million quid compensation that he banked in, the talk of unemployment is not an issue. Atleast not yet.
Jose has his wife by his side. Two children one is a boy who doesn't resemble his charismatic but arrogant father at all. But still they are all behind him (I hope). The Portuguese people are behind him. And I hope, the friends of his wife are behind him as well.
He is not a failure. Although that's not the case according to Roman Abramovich. The innocent faced Russian tycoon really deceived us all. But that's what most rich people do. Not a sweeping statement there, I said 'most rich people'. They don't know what to do with their money, they buy themselves a model wife.
But that doesn't matter to me. I do a bit care for the people who fail. People like Jose. As Jose failed Roman. It was a little setback there. Statistically speaking he didn't deliver this season. But I do hope, pretty please, that the friends of the wife are behind him as well.
He is known for his effective tactical approach although somewhat boring, un-attractive football. But in three years he won the EPL title back to back in his first two seasons. Then some small cups. But still he has proven that he is one of the best managers at Chelsea.
And I do hope that the friends of his wife are behind him as well.
Please, ladies, do not question his ability. Or whether he's gonna make money or not this year by not getting employed. Please do not talk rubbish behind his back and trying to influence the wife to leave him because he's been a failure. Come on, we all know his ability and how competent he is. It doesn't matter if he 'failed' Abramovich with one defeat against Villa and a draw with an unfancied Norwegian club. Simply, ladies, please, do not question his ability. He is a 1st class manager.
Ladies of Mrs Mourinho, please do not regard yourselves as the elite ones. Please do not convey your evil ideas around Mrs Mourinho that Jose is incompetent. Jose is struggling with the big guns. Jose can't cope with the real elite people. Jose had a relationship with an unknown girl in Beiri-Mar that was near to nothing compared to us elite girls. Jose this Jose that.
The question is ladies, what makes you think you are better than Jose?
Mrs Mourinho, obviously, they are not good friends. Obviously I do not know who they are but one thing I know they love to see your marriage falter. They thought that you would be better off with someone richer or 'elite' or will get multi-million 'bonus' packages or get 'promotions' to the Director's seat in 'two years'. Someone like Alex Fergie maybe? Or Avram Grant boo-boo-be-boo Mr Magoo.
A good friend will support you through and through. A good friend will always wnat you to be happy. Nothing malicious. No hidden agenda. It's not that your husband has committed infidelity or something. It's just a setback. I know Jose quite well. He's a nice guy. He might be arrogant sometimes but I know he was only fooling around. He is very honest and speaks his mind. He is indeed, a special one.
So Mrs Mourinho, ignore all those evil people trying to tear your family apart.
You know it takes more than that to tear you two apart, right?
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