Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The perfect system

I am enjoying Malaysia at the moment. What I do not enjoy is the political situation. In addition, I find beautiful Malay girls having girls as their boyfriends rather annoying. These pengkids as the are known, have short-hair, walk like they have bolas and talk in a rather strange voice.
I have said it many times, people become like this pelik because they are just being emotional. The girls might find the boys less interesting because of their gatal behaviour for example. However, they missed the part where they need we boys to have a normal life.
I even found one pengkid rather beautiful one night at Pizza Hut.
Meanwhile, the Malaysian Indians in PKR are somewhat disappointed with the Pakatan rulers. Some even have opted oout from the coalition party. Many are following suit because they feel that they are being marginalised.
This is somewhat expected when I recalled saying "who will be on the Indians' side?" after the GE 2008 results. The disgruntles among the Indians in Pakatan has proven yet again there is a real need for race-based politics.
If you ask me, I wouldn't know in details what are the needs, cultural values and religious values of the Indians. It would take me months of research to know every single bit of them. Imagine you are a leader of an association and you have members of from multicultural, multi-ethnics background. The easiest way is to delegate it to a respected, knowledgable Indian comrade.
That is why Barisan needed MIC.
That is why Barisan needed MCA.
That is why Barisan needed UMNO and other race-based parties.
You cannot compare the Malaysian scenario with the US, Australia and even Singapore.
In fact, why do we have to settle for a political system same as them when we have a unique system which has a very strong basis? Multiracial parties like PKR might seem like a sensible solution for racial discrimination, but what does a Malay leader know about the Indians' plight and rights?
They feel unease because again, they are being marginalised.
I had a chance to watch the movie Australia and it's obvious what happened to the aborogines. What happened to the Red Indians in the States do they even have a Minister who takes care of the Red Indians? Are they not the original people in America?
The whites from Britain invaded these lands and implemented free for all political system because they believe they have better technological prowess and knowledge. Of course the free-for-all would favour them. Same goes to Singapore. The Chinese had the economic supremacy over other races in Singapore of course, being majority they would settle for equality.
So what happen to the Malays in Singapore. I have friends and families from Singapore and none of them had said good things about how they are being treated there despite being the original people there.
I am sure we would feel wrong when we see a land being invaded and the original inhabitants are being victimised then. These inhabitants include the animals if you ask me.
And so our fathers have taught us the need for race-based politics. Not to be racists but to take care of our own people. Because human beings tend to live with the people they are familiar with, from skin-colour to religious beliefs. And if you think the US have shown how equality has made them belief anyone can be the President, but how come Barrack Obama is seen to be black rather than a creamy/mixed/beige? And the term African-American is still being used and this ethnic group mostly voted for 'that guy'?
Again I believe the system is perfect. I don't care what the Londoners have taught me. I believe we have a unique system and should be used to take care of our beloved multiracial Malaysia.
What the leaders in the system should do now is to cherish the real values of the system.
Some idealists has condemned the NEP as an apartheid system but if you ask me, if we were to have equality right at this moment, the minorities will prevail and then we will have an apartheid system.
Salam Maal Hijrah and Happy New Year 2009!!!

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