Azrul Abu Hassan I hope you guys can accept the fact even if it has to be a suicidal case in the end. From that point, we need to ask ourselves why did he kill himself?
Yesterday at 19:40 · Report
Eric Cantona likes this.
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
if you knew beng hock in person, you will not say it's suicide!
13 hours ago · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
Azrul, a man commit suicide before the day of his marriage? A man commit suicide few months away from his first child birth? Man, the man must be crazy to even have a thought of that! How can you explain, if he was released why was his belongings still with MACC officers? Wouldn't it make sense that they are returned? He didn't have his wallet and mobile phone at the time his death... Use logic la, cos that ain't no logical to me at all.
12 hours ago · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
well if the independent inquest also has suggested that beng hock killed himself, who do you want to believe anymore?
u dont believe the MACC, thats fine, because it happened in their builiding, it's open for any conspiracy.
if u dont believe the police anymore, thats fine, because u still want to generalise that all police are bad cops.... Read more
if u dont believe the government, thats your choice, this is democracy.
but if you dont believe the royal inquest, with the likes of independent CSI like team with the likes of Gobind Singh Deo around.. i dunno what makes you already?
10 hours ago · Delete · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
In addition, Mui Yee, were you there when you saw if TBH was murdered to say such things above? What is the logic to that.
Let us be a bit sensible lah. I also want to see justice over his death. But I wont be so stupid to reject any other possibilities other than murder. Like I said, if he committed suicide, and proven by many, what can I say anymore?
but if it is, what we can do is, ask ourselves why did he kill himself. this is constructive. not emotive. this is what we call justice.
10 hours ago · Delete · Report
Chong Nothandsome
Chong Nothandsome
u must be a very high educated person,coz ur outcome only based on those strong evidence...obviously ur brain cannot turn very fast...
u r not wrong too, coz u judge from the "recognized" outcome...so do other naive ppl...
maybe "experience" can make u smarter in future...
good luck...
8 hours ago · Report
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
Everyone is stating their own thoughts. Let's not get this to a shooting match and make things very personal. Thank you.
7 hours ago · Report
Danielle Ng Tallon
Danielle Ng Tallon
Death at MACC: My CSI XII – Why suicide theory is out of the window? drrafick
If someone can give me 9 reasonable motive for TBH to commit suicide then we might not doubt.
6 hours ago · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
and I hope this FANPAGE is not politically motvated as well. Because TBH's family don't want his death to be politicised so whats with this BN-Pakatan anti-Najib thingy on this page?
4 hours ago · Delete · Report
Regina Lim
Regina Lim
Azrul, understand your concern, but is really unbelievable someone will kill himself just like that when he will start his family and becoming a father soon.
Sometime we have to ask our self, WHY? Have you ask yourself why you agree? To me, is too much of doubt for "this case" even an ordinary person like me notice it. I never study Law, but I don... Read more't think is as simple as they want us to believe Azrul.
Is your right to believe if it is suicide, but even thought at the end the case is closed and no justice is done (as usual in Malaysia), I and a lot of Malaysian don't think so.
3 hours ago · Report
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
Azrul, yes, the cause is not political. It is a tragedy not just for TBH, but also for Kugan and others, all 1800+ of them.
3 hours ago · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
Azrul, how can we trust the what the first pathologist said? He did not interview on any suspect. He did not remotely try to check on any dna/finger print on TBH body/clothes/shoes because he THOUGHT the police would do that. Has the police did it? Nope. How can a pathologist rely on others to do his own job???? He admit his finding didn't add up ... Read morewith his PROFFESSIONAL views too. Let's talk about if you think TBH commited suicide, do you know what naturality on how one would do that? over 90% of commit suicider has previous record on attempting suicide and warn their family and friends that they will do it. How come TBH never had reported one? It takes a hell lot of strength to finish your life. Let alone TBH has a bright future to look forward to. A normal suicider would left their shoe as a sign of leaving their past but TBH shoes were either away from his body or was damaged. So, how come he wanted to commit suicide when all these did not add up?
2 hours ago · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
I didnt refer to any pathologists.. i was just simply reminding you guys that we must be opened to any outcome. About TBH to be a father and getting married is irrelevant to the matter. One can decides to commit suicide in a split second. People are hard to judge, but this is what makes us human.
And what is this talk about 1800+ ppl killed by the authority?
Please speak with evidence, otherwise people would think we are just talk kedai kopi.... Read more
Being impartial is another important thing to do. mature people are impartial.
So i urge the moderators to remove any pics and slanders throughout the page. I'm just worried that other ppl would think we are being political here.
I do not see TBH as a DAP rep PA, but more of a human being where his unfortunate death is questionable, so, we seek justice.
2 hours ago · Delete · Report
Chong Nothandsome
Chong Nothandsome
thanks him somehow, till now he still fighting justice for TBH...
juz wish him not too stubborn on the "original" result from "them"
sometimes "not original" is more tasty...
hope mr azrul understand...
2 hours ago · Report
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
Please be careful in implying that "1800+ ppl killed by the authority". This came from no one but you. Isn't this a slander by itself and should be removed as you said? You got a knack of saying things that wasn't said.These are the people who died in detention, whose death was not documented properly and in most cases, are nameless victims. If you follow up with the events/news, you'll realize that itz not made up and not "just talk kedai kopi".
It also seems that you can't take other views well and seems to take things very personally. To be honest, accusing others of being 'political' is something that is unavoidable. Usually the same accusation hurled against others who doesn't share the same views.... Read more
Anyone can post anything here, including the slanderous statement of yours who said that 1800+ people are 'killed by the authority'. You are free to leave a fan page that does not conform to your requirements.
about an hour ago · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
Justice for Beng Hock:
Azrul, yes, the cause is not political. It is a tragedy not just for TBH, but also for Kugan and others, all 1800+ of them.
You said it sir, not me.
about an hour ago · Delete · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
anyway, i believe the moderators here are doing a good job. But i guess i cant expect the 'fans' of this page can be told what to do is right.
about an hour ago · Delete · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
Azrul, indeed. My husband said the same thing what you have just said at first. Though he did not follow the news but the more I read out news for him, he more he thinks something is fishy. Now, I read the news in full context so no edited or lines in my preferance. Like I said, a person who would commit suicide needs to be pushed over the edge to ... Read morebe able to commit. Though, such mentality are often has it's previous alarm warning. If he had depression he could have done it, but he did not have any mental illness. All the evidence provided and discussed in court are lack on convincin thousands or even millions of people that he did indeed cut his life short. In the phychology point, it's rarely he would commit suicide. In the bolder point, it's even hard to think he jumped out just like that. Azrul, are you a father? Are you a husband? How about this, if let say put yourself in his shoe why would you want to jump down when you clearly know someone love you so much are waiting to see u?
about an hour ago · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
A potential suicider, always ask themselves THOUSANDS times IS THIS THE END before they really end their life. TBH has no reason whatsoever unless he was pushed over the edge.
About over 1500 ppl were death under custody since 2004 is the truth. Have a google on that topic you will find your answer, a lot of these ppl are migrants. Have you seen ... Read morethis news?
Why are they deserve less human right treatment? Are they not human in our govt eyes? Death under custody is serious issue, TBH was never first and sure will not be the last. Can we put a stop on this issue?
about an hour ago · Report
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
Azrul, you inserted "killed by the authority" behind the 1800+. That did not come from JFBH, it came from you, and that is a slanderous remark. I guess i cant expect the 'fans' of this page can be told what to do is right.
Others can choose to read what we wrote. They are not blind, and certainly have no reason deny what is image formed on their retina.
about an hour ago · Report
Azrul Abu Hassan
Azrul Abu Hassan
dont twist my words lah kawan, so what do u mean by 1800+ others?
about an hour ago · Delete · Report
Justice for Beng Hock
Justice for Beng Hock
"Azrul, yes, the cause is not political. It is a tragedy not just for TBH, but also for Kugan and others, all 1800+ of them."
- Where is the "killed by authorities"? Who's twisting who now, Azrul?
59 minutes ago · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
The death in custody report is here
54 minutes ago · Report
Chua Muiyee
Chua Muiyee
So as this one,
52 minutes ago · Report
Yvonne Poh
Yvonne Poh
don't think he kill himself.. obviously not! :-S
14 minutes ago · Report